Mingliang Z.BlogAbout

About me

I am Mingliang Zeng (曾明亮 in native language), an undergraduate student in USTC.

I am not satisfied with the education of the college, but that won't eliminate my passion for science and technology. I am willing to share my understanding of the beauty of technology and science with you.

The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled!

If you find a mistake, please contact me via email. Thanks!

My email address:

echo -n "emVuZ21pbmdsaWFuZzE5OThAZ21haWwuY29t" | base64 -d

My PGP key:

Signature key:   F5CC 1CA0 9DB6 F06F 0009  5DE1 1D44 C88D 6E77 BEC4
Encryption key:  987C 5765 AFF7 96F5 40B4  C90F 0500 07FC EB14 F78A